RoHS Training

RoHS (Directive 2002/95/EC) mandates all products being imported in European Union countries must comply with this directive. Gradually other developed world countries had started applying similar requirements. Later ROHS 2 and ROHS 3 were Introduced and mandated for compliance.

RoHS came into force on July 1, 2006 and has issued 2 official recast directives on June 8, 2011 and on June 4, 2014.

Why it is important: The restricted materials provide an occupational danger during manufacturing, polluting the environment when disposed. RoHS is also linked with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE), which encourages the design of electrical products to be environmentally safe in regards to recycling and recovery. Both RoHS and WEEE combine to create the EU legislation pertaining to electrical and electronic equipment.

KSS offers training program which is specially designed to help understand ROHS directive and the systems that support for reporting purposes.

The training session includes:

EU RoHS 2 Recast Directive, China RoHS, EU WEEE Directive, EU Packaging and Packaging waste directive

To register, please contact us in the contact page.

We provide end to end services on IMDS, CDX system, REACH ROHS, CMRT, SCIP database,
AIS-129, MDR, IVDR and other regulations


NEW BEL Road Bangalore , Karnataka, India

+91 9740000662